Southport Visiter

Let’s show them we’re the best


SOUTHPORT MP Damien Moore is urging community groups to help the town compete for the title of Britain’s Best High Street and claim a £10,000 cash prize.

The awards, sponsored by Visa, celebrate achievemen­ts on the country’s high streets and will encourage communitie­s to share tips about how to make them a success – shining a light on best examples of how high streets can meet new challenges.

The 26 shortliste­d entries in the Champion High Street category and 12 Rising Stars will be announced in October. They will then go through to a public vote and be visited by a judging panel made up of industry leaders from across retail, property, and business.

Britain’s best high street will be announced in November, with the winner receiving a £10,000 cash prize for a local community project.

Mr Moore said: “We have a lot to boast about, and winning the Great British High Street Awards will recognise all our hard work. But it requires residents coming together and organising and pitching for success.”

He added: “The high street is at the centre of our community, and this competitio­n will celebrate the creativity of the businesses in our town.”

Community teams, councils, and trading associatio­ns can register their high streets by visiting thegreatbr­itish

Members of the public can also register by getting in touch with their MP or local council.

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