Southport Visiter

Litter-pick Jimmy is inspired by school


ASCHOOLBOY has been inspired to take to the streets to pick up litter and improve the environmen­t.

Jimmy McConnell, nine, goes to Halsall St Cuthbert’s Primary School in Halsall and was inspired by a project he was doing there about plastic in oceans, the environmen­t and the importance of recycling.

He took the initiative himself to go out around Scarisbric­k Village and pick up litter.

Jimmy’s dad, Gordon McConnell, said he was proud of his son’s efforts

and supported him all the way.

He said: “You see him out there and he’s so cute doing it. The place is spotless. He comes back with it all in a bag and deposits in my recycle bin.

“It’s just great to see him out there doing it as so many kids his age are glued to electronic devices and he’s making a difference and he’s connecting with people because of it.”

Word has got around of Jimmy’s efforts and he is commended by everybody that passes by.

The neighbours have been so impressed that they have contacted West Lancashire Borough Council which said it was going to support him.

Jimmy’s school has also rewarded him and the staff said they were thrilled that he has been so inspired.

So far his friends have been supportive but Jimmy is happy to undertake the task alone after school.

Gordon said: “It just shows you. All this talk of funding and initiative­s and plans to do things, and my son has just used what he’s got and gone out there and made a difference.

“Just shows you it doesn’t have to be a great big project. You can just get out there and do it.

“He wants to move on to Southport next, I said I’m going to need more wheelie bins if you do that!”

 ??  ?? Jimmy McConnell out and about on his litter picking round
Jimmy McConnell out and about on his litter picking round

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