Southport Visiter

School puts a wide variety of artworks on show in Atkinson


THE Liverpool School of artists is staging its fourth major exhibit-ion at the Atkinson gallery in Southport, six years after the art movement was created by Liverpool Hope University graduates.

The exhibition, which runs until Saturday, March 28, features 80 works by eight artists from Liverpool, Wirral and the Midlands

The Liverpool School’s aim is to redefine urban art in geometric painting, both 2D and 3D, using city life and buildings and transporta­tion as its inspiratio­n – anything that depicts and portrays the rhythms of urban life.

As an aesthetic, the urban landscape may be regarded as the vision a society projects about itself into the future.

Each of the Liverpool School members interprets the city landscape in their own way and in their own distinctiv­e styles.

The movement is not a straitjack­et restrictin­g how the world should be viewed, but rather it points in a new general direction for urban art to take.

The work on show varies from the abstract, geometric work of Mike Rickett, Gabrielle Caul, Steve Evans and David Tedham, to the more figurative but still urban, geometric, canvases and prints of Lynn Jeffery and the stylistic, geometric paintings of scenes from the Midlands by Paul Hipkiss.

By contrast, Maureen Sullivan has her own brand of painterly, more Impression­istic but still geometric urban work, while Susan Lee Brown will show her popular impression­istic scenes of Liverpool in oils.

Her work takes on a geometric edge when depicting the cityscape.

The most unusual are the abstractio­ns of Steve Evans that explore and extend pictorial space through the use of light, line and colour.

The work includes paintings in oils, acrylics, water colours; on canvasses, paper and board and Perspex.

There are also etchings, prints, lino cuts, sculpture and reliefs.

The exhibition will open daily at The Atkinson from 10am to 4pm, Monday to Saturday, until March 28.

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 ??  ?? Some of the art on display at The Atkinson until next month
Some of the art on display at The Atkinson until next month

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