Sporting Gun


Mike George chooses three guns to consider before a possible rise in gun prices


Mike George looks at three guns to consider before a possible rise in prices.

If I was thinking of buying a new gun I would be tempted to do it right now, as prices could well go up quite steeply in the not-too-distant future. It’s because of the decline in value of Sterling, which is bound to affect all imports soon.

At the time of writing, £1 was worth only 1.2 Euros, and there was talk of further falls. The fall against most other world currencies, including the US Dollar, was nearly as bad. So why have gun prices not already gone up?

There are two likely answers. The first is that the new guns in the shops were most likely imported much earlier in 2016, before the Brexit scare hit the

“If I was thinking of buying a new gun, I would be tempted to do it right now”

Pound on world currency markets.

The second is that wise importers of all items from luxury cars to baked beans tend to buy their foreign currency in advance, at times of favourable exchange rates. But existing stocks of guns, and holdings of foreign currency, will eventually run out – and could do so before the Pound recovers.

Eventually, a rise in new gun prices could be reflected on the second-hand market. I’m not saying it will, but it might – so here are three guns to consider, either new or second-hand.

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