Steam Railway (UK)

NaTioNal HeriTage acT 1983 requiremeN­Ts for disposal


The Board may not dispose of an object the property in which is vested in them and which is comprised in their collection­s unless: (a) the disposal is by way of sale, exchange or gift of an object which is a duplicate of another object the property in which is so vested and which is so comprised, or (b) the disposal is by way of sale, exchange or gift of an object which in the Board’s opinion is unsuitable for retention in their collection­s and can be disposed of without detriment to the interests of students or other members of the public, or (c) the disposal is by way of sale or gift made to, or exchange made with, any institutio­n mentioned in sub-section (4), or (d) the disposal (by whatever means, including destructio­n) is of an object which the Board are satisfied has become useless for the purposes of their collection­s by reason of damage, physical deteriorat­ion, or infestatio­n by destructiv­e organisms. To read a full copy of the Act, go here:

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