Steam Railway (UK)


First wheels fitted to Prince of Wales


Barely had constructi­on of the frames for ‘Clan’ No. 72010 Hengist commenced (SR476) than the first wheels were cast for the Riddles 4-6-2. All four bogie wheels were cast by the Boro Foundry of Stourbridg­e during January and early February. Next, says volunteer Chris Jones, the Standard Steam Locomotive Company will conduct an inventory of parts already made for the bogie – including the side frame plates – before ordering the remaining components, including the stretchers. Work to erect the ‘Pacific’s’ frames at CTL Seal of Sheffield has initially focused upon machining the combined frame stretchers and spring hangers. These will enable the axlebox keeps to be machined and fitted, giving the lower frame rigidity to enable the other components to be installed.

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