Stirling Observer

Demands for the full council to consider this applicatio­n


There are calls for Network Rail’s controvers­ial Cornton level crossing proposal to be heard by the full council.

Stirling Council planning panel are set to examine the applicatio­n prior to any potential hearing.

But Douglas Dodds, chair of Bridge of Allan Community Council, led calls for the applicatio­n to go before all councillor­s during a meeting of residents at Cornton Community Centre on Friday evening.

Network Rail are proposing to close the crossings and erect a replacemen­t footbridge and road over rail bridge at land south east of Cornton railway crossing.

The applicatio­n was lodged with Stirling Council last month and those wishing to submit their objections or comments have until January 24 to do so.

Bill Glencross, a vocal opponent to the applicatio­n, told the Observer he was amazed to hear the applicatio­n wasn’t scheduled to go before all councillor­s.

He said:“I was staggered to learn that of the 27 councillor­s only nine are actually going to look at this proposal. This is one of the biggest applicatio­ns this area has ever seen. This is the reason that many of the residents simply don’t trust the process. None of us want this to go ahead, but it seems like there’s nobody is listening to us.”

Stephen Kerr, former Stirling Conservati­ve candidate, told the meeting:“There is a confidence issue in the council and it’s impartiali­ty among the residents.

“Basically, many of them have no confidence in their ability to deal with this fairly because they think they are in cahoots with Network Rail.”

Jonathan Padmore of Stirling Council told the meeting that an independen­t engineer consultant – WSP – would be examining the applicatio­n before providing feedback to planning officers.

However, those at the meeting say WSP don’t benefit from the local knowledge both residents and councillor­s have, and are disadvanta­ged when assessing the applicatio­n.

Mr Padmore said:“This proposal will stand and fall on its own merits – the same way any other applicatio­n will be judged on its own merits. Network Rail looked at a variety of options and worked out the pros and cons of each one. There was a process to assess the right type of scheme and the bridge solution was judged to be the best one from their point of view.”

The meeting also heard that while Network Rail propose to pay for the bridges and required works, Stirling Council will pick up the bill for the maintenanc­e of the bridges which is expected to come in at around £1 million over the next six decades.

A Stirling Council spokespers­on confirmed all such applicatio­ns are firstly considered by the planning panel before a decision is made on whether to hold a hearing.

The spokespers­on added:“The panel can, in formal session, consider whether or not it wants to hold a hearing into any applicatio­n.”

 ??  ?? Plans Network Rail are looking to close the Cornton level crossings
Plans Network Rail are looking to close the Cornton level crossings

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