Stirling Observer

Dodgy help for Dunblane musician

Peter bags best gig yet on bill with Britpop act

- Gareth Jones

A Dunblane boy is on the road to becoming a rock and roll star.

Peter Ross is down in Nottingham working on a debut EP with his band Civic Pride.

And next weekend, the group will play their biggest gig yet when they support Britpop legends Dodgy at the Record Factory in Glasgow.

Peter, who used to play for Stirling Albion, began to develop a keen interest in music while at university and his musical reputation has soared in recent months.

“I can’t believe how much it has all kicked off recently,” said his dad Raymond Ross, who works as a dentist in the Stirling area.

“It seems that things are going very well, and playing with Dodgy is his biggest gig yet. There are hopefully a few people from the industry coming along to see the band, and he is down in Nottingham this week finishing an EP.”

Working from a small studio in Glasgow, Peter (30) recorded and developed a handful of demos he had written from his acoustic guitar; stories based on his experience­s and observatio­ns of things such as life, love, friendship and the human condition.

After hearing Peter’s material, former Beautiful South saxophone player Kevin Brown became interested in Kevin’s music and introduced him to Tony “Doggen” Foster.

“Kevin heard Pete play while he was here for a music project in Alloa,” said Raymond. “He is a family friend and asked me if Pete would be interested in going to Nottingham, and it has all happened from there.” Tony invited Peter down to Nottingham to record in his Mousehouse studio and for the past year or so the pair have been working together, with the band now working towards a full album release.

For more informatio­n on Civic Pride and to hear their music, visit www.

 ??  ?? Ambition Peter Ross and his band Civic Pride are hoping for music stardom
Ambition Peter Ross and his band Civic Pride are hoping for music stardom

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