Stirling Observer

Charity gets message on heart disease across to MSPs


No fewer than 85,000 people across Stirling, Perth and Kinross, Fife and Clackmanna­nshire are living with heart and circulator­y disease.

The figures were revealed as officials of the British Heart Foundation (BHF) met MSPs at Holyrood.

They mounted an exhibition showing how they were helping save and improve the lives of people affected by the condition.

MSP for Mid Scotland and Fife Murdo Fraser, said: “There are nearly 16,000 stroke survivors and almost 6,000 people have suffered a heart failure across MidScotlan­d and Fife.

“These problems are exacerbate­d by unhealthy lifestyle and diet choices, with 146,000 people now classed as obese and a further 101,000 with high blood pressure. “It’s time for us all to take a serious look at our own health.

“However, it’s vital that research is conducted into preventing, diagnosing and treating heart disease. It is here where we need to support the British Heart Foundation who are funding vital research and providing important support for those suffering and affected by heart and circulator­y disease issues.”

James Cant, Director of BHF Scotland, said: “Coronary heart disease is still our single biggest killer, and these figures show there is no part of the country untouched by heart and circulator­y disease.

He added: “That’s why we’re currently investing £63 million in research in Scotland. Since 1961, we’ve helped halve the number of Scots dying from heart and circulator­y disease.”

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