Stirling Observer

Cannabisde­aler issenttopr­ison forfivemon­ths


A drug dealer has been jailed after being found with a stash of cannabis in a car.

Robert Johnstone, of Glenfinnan Road in Glasgow, appeared at Stirling Sheriff Court on Wednesday.

The 30-year-old had previously issued a guilty plea to a charge of supplying a class B drug.

Johnstone and his girlfriend had been driving in Goosecroft Road, Stirling, on December 27 2015 at 1.10am when they were pulled over by police officers.

“The police officers had reason to stop the vehicle,” said fiscal depute Laura Knox. “While they were speaking to the driver of the vehicle, the police officers noticed a strong smell of cannabis coming from the vehicle and carried out a search.”

On the back seat of the car, the officers found a bag which was found to contain 44 grams of herbal cannabis, and two further glass jars each with around two grams in them were also recovered. The combined value of the drugs was said to be between £340 and £425.

The court heard that Johnstone had worked as a plumber, but suffered a serious knee injury which meant he has had to stop working for now, and his cannabis use has increased since the injury.

His solicitor said that Johnstone had been heading to a friend’s house, with the intention of using the cannabis he had in his possession.

Sheriff Wyllie Robertson said that custody was the only option and sentenced Johnstone to five months in prison.

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