Stirling Observer

`I saw UFO while standing in back garden’

- Chris Marzella

Central Scotland’s reputation as a UFO hotspot has been underlined with a fresh ‘sighting’ in Bannockbur­n.

An eagle-eyed UFO hunter claims to have spotted the unfamiliar craft hovering between houses on Thursday, March 16.

Details were logged four days later on the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) a website which logs reported UFO sightings from around the world.

The entry regarding the Bannockbur­n sighting reads: “I had been watching some flashing going on in the sky and noticed after a while it was getting closer.

“It was dark but I could see something approachin­g the top of my street.

“I know it’s sounds crazy, but I was watching from my back garden and it was very dark.

“Then I saw red lights and next thing there was a huge craft in the sky in between two rooftops of the houses at top of my street.

“I couldn’t believe it. It dipped its front end down and had red lights and windows all around it.

“It hovered for a short time and when I looked away for a split second it was going away again.

“I got a video but can’t see a thing. I took some screen shots of the video and filtered it a bit and although it’s not clear, you can definitely see an object with lights and I noticed there was a puff of smoke coming from underneath it.

“I took photos from the same place I took the video and when you look at the filters you can clearly see that the object didn’t belong in the sky.”

There was a similar sighting in Cowie in March, 2016, where the eyewitness said: “I was visiting my daughter when I went outside her back door to smoke a cigarette.

“It was a clear night and the stars were easily visible.

“I observed a light moving towards the pole star.

“I thought at first it was the ISS but then just as the object passed the pole star it made a sudden 90 degree turn to the west and shot off at what must have been an impossible speed.

“I am 58 years old and this is the first strange event I have witnessed. I can only say after many years of scepticism it left my beliefs a little shaken.”

In April 2013 another person spotted an unusual sight above Menstrie.

In December 2012 another person spotted strange lights in the sky over Stirling Castle.

It has been claimed there has been 300 UFO sightings in Bonnybridg­e.

Are you the person who spotted the craft or have you witnessed any other strange happenings in our skies?

Call us on 01786 459422 or email news@stirlingob­

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