Stirling Observer



“This election was called by an opportunis­tic Tory Prime Minister in an attempt to remove opposition her party has in Parliament as she takes the whole of the UK off a Hard Brexit cliff edge - this Thursday is a chance for voters in Stirling to stop that from being the case.

Under Theresa May, the Tories have taken a further lurch to the right; punishing ordinary working people, threatenin­g pensions, and cutting even further from our public services. Now more than ever, Scotland needs a strong team of SNP MPs that will always stand up for our local communitie­s and never back down in the face of an out-of-control Tory UK Government.

If re-elected as Stirling’s MP, I will fight alongside SNP colleagues to end austerity once and for all. Cuts to services are hurting, not helping and the current Tory system of sanctionin­g disabled people due to inaccurate work capability assessment­s has to stop.

I will also fight to have the current minimum wage raised to the actual Living Wage. The current con-trick‘National Living Wage’is almost £1 per hour less than the current real Living Wage. Work should pay enough to support families which is why I support a real Living Wage which would be the equivalent of over £10 per hour by the end of the next Parliament.

A vote for the SNP in this election is also a vote to strengthen Scotland’s voice at the Brexit negotiatin­g table. Scotland voted overwhelmi­ngly to remain in the EU and, respecting the overall result of the UK-wide referendum, it is vital that Scotland’s access to the Single Market is protected. This is entirely feasible and would only require political will to achieve it.

As someone who grew up in this constituen­cy, it has been an honour and a privilege to serve and represent local communitie­s since being elected in 2015. I hope you will lend me your support on Thursday so that I can continue to work hard for you.”

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