Stirling Observer

I’d welcome a future where Holyrood is at the heart of our politics


Dear Editor

I’ve just received through the post an election leaflet from Labour’s candidate in Stirling, Chris Kane.

In a few short paragraphs, Mr Kane says I “deserve an MP who will be focused on fighting for you”; that Labour “will fight for skilled jobs” and he “will fight every day to deliver them”; that “Stirling deserves a local champion who will fight for the many”; that he will “fight for our public services”; that he “will fight for local issues”; and that he’ll “fight for Labour values”.

So much fighting and aggression!

Perhaps Mr Kane thinks he’s applying to join Fight Club, not putting himself forward to represent the constituen­ts of Stirling.

When deciding on my preference as my MP, I’m looking for someone who shares my values and who, along with her party, comes closest to representi­ng my views.

I want someone who is smart and articulate enough to put those views forward in reasoned debate. And I want someone who is prepared to work with others to advance policies that will deliver what’s best for our communitie­s, not someone who turns to ideology and party or personal advantage when another tribe comes up with a suggestion.

The Labour government of 1945, led by Clement Atlee, delivered the welfare state, the biggest social advance of the 20th century.

But their programme was based on the Beveridge Report, which had identified the five great evils that stalked the UK: want, disease, ignorance, squalor and idleness. Beveridge was a Liberal, but it was no problem for him or for the government to work together towards an enormous social good.

I can’t see such cross-party co-operation happening in Westminste­r these days.

We have a generation of politician­s there who are tribal; who value power and personal advancemen­t more than doing the right thing; who, for all their fine words, are empty vessels over-fond of the sound of their own voices.

Westminste­r is a failure and we need to look to a future where Holyrood is at the heart of our politics.

Incidental­ly, Mr Kane’s leaflet was printed in Cardiff, so he’s clearly not fighting for Scottish jobs.

Doug Maughan

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