Stirling Observer

Tory slammed over Brexit and Burns


Dear Editor

The last fortnight has been difficult one for Stirling’s Tory MP Stephen Kerr.

It started when he let down the people of his constituen­cy and Scotland by voting through the Tory Government’s Brexit Bill without any changes to the legislatio­n being made to protect the devolution settlement of the Scottish Parliament – something that he and other Scottish Tory MPs promised they would not do.

Then of course, he took to Twitter and Facebook to join other Tory colleagues (such as Jacob Rees-Mogg and Ian Duncan Smith) to express his outrage about a story supposedly linking Nicola Sturgeon to a decision that saw the Union Flag replaced with the Lion Rampant on Scottish Government buildings during Royal occasions.

The problem was the story was false. The changes were brought into place almost a decade ago when Alex Salmond was First Minister and approved by the Queen.

Finally, there was Mr Kerr’s attendance last week at an elitist Burns Supper hosted by the Prime Minister.

Rightfully dubbed `cash for haggis’, the dinner was attended by superrich Tory donors and a perversion of a Burns Supper.

The haggis was served crispy and relegated to a starter, leaving the elitist party to dine on a main course of pan-seared loin of venison, raw spiced and caramelise­d cauliflowe­r, oats and nuts, salisfy, brambles, game chips and venison reduction.

Served in the State Dining Room of Number 10, the born-to-rule club and its members would benefit from taking note of Burns’ writings: `O wad some Pow’r the giftie gie us, To see oursels as ithers see us.’

Although, they might not want to acknowledg­e this , Rabbie Burns was very anti-Union.

Morag Fulton, Borestone

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