Stirling Observer

Collapse of takeover has killed the club


We have been following the developmen­ts relating to the offer made by the consortium, led by John O’Neill and Colin Rowley, to invest in Stirling Albion.

We are deeply saddened that this offer has now been withdrawn as they feel that there is too much division and unrest from a small faction of the support base, mostly from directors of Stirling Albion FC and former trust board members.

The latter have spouted various amounts of bile and even went as far as putting forward a investment offer that was less than half of what John and Colin offered plus was on an “only if the club need it” basis.

There was little detail about the second offer from the group led by John Hunter and including other unnamed people.

This was in contrast to the superb offer made by John and Colin’s consortium. At least their offer was transparen­t and they answered all questions put to them about it.

It is utterly devastatin­g that the minority has won here and the supporters have missed out on voting on something which could have seen Stirling Albion FC take a major leap forward.

So much for fan ownership and the democratic processes we were promised by those people who have led us to this sad situation. These people were all for it when they were at the helm but as soon as their positions as directors came under threat they closed ranks and have now essentiall­y killed Stirling Albion FC as no one in their right mind would want to invest or sponsor or have anything to do with a club where there is zero forward thinking.

We would like to thank John Neill and Colin Rowley on behalf of the genuine supporters of Stirling Albion FC as they have spotted an opportunit­y to help the club and tried to do something.

We also want to thank all those in our support who came together to allow this offer to be considered as at one point it was getting binned before supporters even got a chance to see it.

We want to thank Stuart Brown for all his work at Stirling Albion FC. He has been placed in some difficult positions recently but still has worked hard to make sure the club is ticking over.

James Stewart Rave On!

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