Stirling Observer

Faster broadband vow to Tyndrum

But Crianlaric­h has to wait for next scheme

- John Rowbotham

Tyndrum is to be hooked up to superfast broadband by March next year, it was announced this week.

Politician­s welcomed the move but were disappoint­ed the scheme did not extend to Crianlaric­h, which has been beset with telephone connection issues.

Tyndrum is to be connected under the Scottish Government’s Digital Scotland superfast broadband programme.

Ministers say any communitie­s which do not benefit from the DSSB scheme will be connected under the R100 programme .

The contract for R100 is to be awarded by the Scottish Government this year and has the aim of extending superfast broadband to 100 per cent of properties in Scotland by 2021. It is expected to cost £600 million.

Stirling MSP Bruce Crawford raised Crianlaric­h’s omission from the latest scheme with minister Paul Wheelhouse in the Scottish Parliament on Wednesday .

Mr Crawford said: “This is great news for Tyndrum, who will finally have access to up-to-date and reliable broadband speeds.”

He praised the programmes for connecting 95 per cent of properties in Stirling area but added: “There will be slight disappoint­ment in Crianlaric­h that this particular announceme­nt has not included their community.

“Having met with villagers on many occasions to discuss this matter, I know how important getting connected is.

“I am encouraged by the response from the minister and know the Scottish Government is committed to delivering full coverage in this parliament­ary term, having committed a significan­t amount of funding to achieving just that.”

Trossachs and Teith councillor Martin Earl said it was the first bit of definitive news regarding broadband coverage in Strathfill­an area for years. Up to now solutions proposed had proved too expensive.

He was also disappoint­ed to see no mention of Crianlaric­h in the proposal, which he said was thin on detail and did not explain how many properties would benefit.

Councillor Earl said: “As ever the devil is in the detail so, while I am pleased to hear that this area will finally get some connectivi­ty, I want to know the full details of who gets what and when.

“I also want to know if Stirling Council can support the project to get more properties and businesses connected now, rather than wait for the next project.

“This announceme­nt is already long overdue and people cannot be fed any more vague promises.”

Mid Scotland and Fife MSP Dean Lockhart MSP said: “This is welcome news for people in Tyndrum and represents a small step in the right direction in increasing connectivi­ty in our rural communitie­s.

“However, there are still many areas of Strathfill­an without coverage and villages such as Crianlaric­h are still without a reliable telephone exchange, never mind decent broadband.

“I look forward to seeing the details of the announceme­nt but we need connectivi­ty to all our communitie­s urgently.”

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