Stirling Observer

Bin charge decision postponed


Clackmanna­nshire Council has deferred a decision on a proposal for the introducti­on of charges for the collection of garden waste from domestic properties.

Had the scheme been agreed, householde­rs faced an annual £36 a bin for kerbside garden waste collection once every three weeks from March to November.

Officials believe that with a takeup of the service between 30 per cent and 50 per cent, the annual charge would yield a ‘cost benefit’ of between £135,000 and £290,000.

Councillor­s were due to consider the charge at their meeting last Thursday.

However, a spokespers­on said a decision on the scheme had been postponed.

Charging for garden waste collection is one of a number of revenue-raising moves being considered by the council as it bids to tackle a deficit of about £19 million over the next three years and £7 million next financial year, starting April 1, 2020.

Officials are consulting with residents on four per cent increase in council tax and two per cent rise in charges for leisure facilities and services provided by licensing, trading standards, waste management and environmen­tal health teams. Views are also being sought on a possible 1.5 per cent increase in rents for Clacks council tenants.

Councillor Ellen Forson, leader of the SNP minority administra­tion encouraged residents to share their views on the proposals by responding to the survey on the council website.

Labour Group Leader Dave Clark said £53 million had been taken out of the Clacks economy as a result of council savings over the last six years.

He added: “The biggest price is being paid by the poor and vulnerable in our community but it is also impacting profoundly on the whole Clackmanna­nshire economy.”

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