Stirling Observer




UA sold 1487 store cattle and 55 cast cows.

Bullocks (734) averaged 219.16p to 272.00p per kg for a 311kg SimX from Pyeston, and to £1270 for a 688kg BSX from Kirkland.

Dairy bullocks (48) averaged 166.09p to 189.90p per kg for a 416kg MOX from Meikle Camoquhill, and £1020 for a 594kg MOX from Bandirran.

Heifers (705) averaged 212.35p to 257.60p per kg for a 264kg CHX from Balmirmer, and to £1320 for a 762kg CHX from Macqueston.

Beef cows and bulls (37) averaged 126.73p to 147.50p per kg for a BAX from Over Kellie, and to £1190 for a CHX from Balthayock.

Dairy cows (17) averaged 96.84p to 124.10p per kg for a MOX from Meikle Camoquhill, and to £935 for a MOX from Norrieston.

Forward cattle (1) averaged 184.73p to 184.73p per kg for a LimX from Corrary (Islay), and to £835 for a LimX from Corray (Islay).

Bullocks: Up to 250kgs - Smaladh (Islay) £635, 266.80p; 251-300kgs - Smaladh (Islay) £740, 266.20p; 301-350kgs Carrabus (Islay) £860, Pyeston 272.00p; 351-400kgs - Lands of Drumhead £950, 246.10p; 401-450kgs - Nether Falla £1000, Uiskentuie (Islay) 238.60p; 451-500kgs Uiskentuie (Islay) £1110, Milton 233.00p; 501-551kgs - North Strathy £1120, 220.90p; 552-601kgs - Kirkland £1215, 202.50p; 602-651kgs - Grange £1230, Kirkland 201.20p; 652-701kgs - Kirkland £1270, 184.60p.

Heifers: Up to 250kgs - Balmirmer Farms £580, 254.40p; 251-300kgs Knollhead £710, Balmirmer Farms 257.60p; 301-350kgs - Auchenflow­er £810, East Buchanty 250.00p; 351-400kgs - Mid Rossburn £950, 2 Ballinaby (Islay) 243.80p; 401-450kgs - Demperston £990, 242.10p; 451-500kgs - North Strathy £1100, 224.10p; 501-551kgs - Newton of Arbirlot £1125, Milton of Lurg 208.70p; 552-601kgs - Newton of Arbirlot £1240, 206.70p; 602-651kgs - 5 Evergreen Est £1190, 195.70p.

OTM cows per head- Balthayock (CH) £1190, West Park (Sim) £1130, Newton of Arbirlot (Lim) £1090, Traprain (AA) £1075, Kirkton of Lundie (Sal) £935, Norrieston (MO) £935, Airthrey Kerse (HE) £885, Over Kellie (BA) £885, Traprain (BRB)

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