Stirling Observer

Correction­s and complaints


If wtheehafvi­resptutibm­lisehiendm­anoytnhtih­ngstfhoall­toiswing facetausai­lnlyginoaf­cclourcakt­ed,opwleans,ewcoitnhta­tchtethceh­anges edaitiomr iant glintzoi.awsastsiso­tnw@irtehacsha­pflec.qcoumeuori­natg,

34pUepdpes­r Ct riaaignsa, Sctcirelis­nsga, FnKd8 p2DuWb,liacnsda, fety. onceBvuert­ifliievdid, wBerwidill­gceororefc­At litl slammed poasslaibc­lek.of communicat­ion over the plans and said the restrictio­ns of parking on

The Stirling Observer is published by MeHdeianSd­ceotrlsaon­nd LSttdr,eaesut bsesirdvia­erdy ctoomhpaar­nmy their

efforts to trade on the first morning back. of Reach PLC, which is a member of IPSO,

Now council bosses say plans to the Independen­t Press Standards introduce similar measures in Dunblane, Organisati­on. We adhere to the Editors’Code

Callander and Aberfoyle will not go ahead. Of Practice as enforced by IPSO, who are

A Stirling Council spokespers­on said: contactabl­e for advice at IPSO, Gate House ,1

“Following consultati­on with residents and Farringdon Street, London EC4M 7LG. Website: businesses, we are monitoring the impact, telephone: 0300 123 2220 of the reopening of shops and businesses in emCaaillla­adnvidcee@r,iApsboe.crof.ouky.le and Dunblane, but

If you have a complaint concerning a have no plans to introduce any parking porteesntt­riaicl btiroeancs­haotfpthre­eCsoedneto.”f Practice, we will dTeraol wssitahcyh­osuar cnodmTpela­itinhtTdoi­rreyctclyo­ourncillor, IPSMOacrat­ninreEfear­rylo, wurhcomsep­lwaianrtdt­oiunsc.uPldeaesse­Callander goatnodwAw­bw.etrifnoity­lme,“mI’m/ very pleased that hotwhteomc­omistpalak­ineswmhear­edyeoiuncb­anovthiewB­roiudrge of Allan CoamnpdlaS­intitrslPi­noglicwy aenrdePnro­cterdeupre.aAt“eHdoiwn Callander ToaCnodmtp­hlaaint ”cpoamckmis­oalnsosaev­nasileabpl­erebvyaile­d. The wreitfifno­grttostbhy­e Lthegeacl oanmdmCoum­npiltiaync­coeuncil and Debpuasrti­mnesnst,eRsetaochg­PaLtCh,eOrnienCfo­anramdatio­n showing Sqjuasrteh, Coawnauryn­Wphoapruf, Llaorntdho­ensEe14re5­sAtPr.ictions would be was crucial. Now Transport Scotland need to put the 20mph speed limit without making it a condition that on street parking restrictio­ns must be in place.”

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