Stirling Observer

They’re all superheroe­s


Mum Charlotte Wood says she owes everything to doctors and nurses after not only giving birth prematurel­y twice but also battling cancer.

Her first child, Christina, was born at 36 weeks on December 2, 2012, and was cared for for nine days at Forth Valley Royal Hospital.

“That was scary as a new parent as it’s not what you expect,” said Charlotte.

Even scarier times, however, were to come, said the Callander mum who shared her story as part of World Prematurit­y Day.

After battling cancer - non hodgkins lymphoma - in 2016, Charlotte became pregnant again in 2018.

“Carrying to term looked very unlikely,” said Charlotte, “as the chemothera­py pretty much wrecks your fertility.

“After a glimmer of hope that ended in an early miscarriag­e, although hard, I had to expect that we would remain a family of three, so after 10 years together Andrew and I set a date for our wedding.

“When I found out I was pregnant in 2018 we were scared but over the moon at the same time.

“We were married on June 30 and seven days later I started to have pains. My head knew they were contractio­ns but my heart couldn’t believe it.

“I went to FVRH and it was confirmed I was in labour.”

Son Daniel was born at just 24 weeks on July 10, 2018.

“FVRH is a level two neonatal hospital and looks after babies born from 28 weeks. As I was just 24 weeks the decision was made that if I was stable enough and the drugs to stop the contractio­ns worked, I would be transferre­d to a level three hospital wherever they had a bed.

“The potential to be taken to Liverpool or even Ireland was on the cards - but a bed was found at Wishaw University Hospital.

“When I was transferre­d via blue light the labour was stopped for another few days.

“We were always told the truth that the potential for survival was not certain and if the baby showed no signs of life when born they wouldn’t intervene. [Going]from having one of the happiest days of my life ten days previously to one of my darkest was awful.”

When Daniel was born, however, he thankfully made his presence known.

“Babies of this gestation after birth are placed into a plastic sandwich bag to keep warm,” said Charlotte,”but Daniel was having none of it.

“He was born weighing 2lb 1oz and was quickly whisked off to neonatal care.

“The next few days were a whirlwind of machines and terminolog­y we had never heard.

“I cannot thank Wishaw University Hospital enough. They really are all superheroe­s.

“We were shown how to feed Daniel through a tube, change his tiny nappy, and kangaroo care.

“It wasn’t an easy ride, it was a rollercoas­ter.”

When Daniel reached 28-week gestation the family said goodbye to Wishaw and Daniel was transferre­d in a special neonatal ambulance back to FVRH to continue to grow and get stronger.

“He still had a long road ahead,” said Charlotte, “but it did feel like one step closer to home and after four weeks in Wishaw I was able to stay back at home.

“It’s horrible knowing this precious wee life is so far away lying in a hospital bed each night. Leaving was like tearing your heart out. He was still in an incubator and hooked up to every machine you can imagine,

“But the staff at FVRH neonatal went above and beyond and they were there for the babies but also for the rest of the family.”

Slowly Daniel grew bigger and started to bottle feed, and graduated to a cot.

“There were setbacks along the road. Home started to come in to view but I never quite let myself believe it,” said his mum.

“But after 88 long days in hospital we brought our boy home. He needed oxygen 24/7 and a machine was fitted in our home, but we were together all under one roof and we could start living as a family of four.”

Today Daniel is three and has just started nursery in Callander.

“To look at him he is the same as any other three-year-old boy,” said Charlotte, “and Christina is nearly nine.

“We owe everything to the nurses and doctors who gave such fantastic care to our precious children in the first few days and weeks of life.”

 ?? ?? Grateful Mum Charlotte
Family Daniel and his big sister Christina
Grateful Mum Charlotte Family Daniel and his big sister Christina
 ?? ?? Tiny Daniel was born at 24 weeks - 16 weeks early
Tiny Daniel was born at 24 weeks - 16 weeks early

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