Stirling Observer

Jail for prowler who shadowed women


A prowler who hid in bushes beside footpaths, jumping out and following women, has been jailed.

Mark Russell, 33, shadowed and terrified ten women walkers or joggers, in Clackmanna­nshire and also in Fife.

The full details of his “weird and alarming” six month campaign were revealed at Alloa Sheriff Court for the first time on Thursday last week.

Prosecutor Susannah Hutchison said one 60 year old woman he targeted became “so unsettled” that she feared to go out alone.

Ms Hutchison said: “In December 2019 she became aware of him passing on his bicycle and entering a wooded area near her home. She initially thought his behaviour was unusual. As the weeks passed, she became aware of him stepping out behind her as she passed.”

One evening in January, 2020, as she was returning home about 9.10pm, he stepped out then walked “very close” behind her for 30 yards.”

Eventually the woman changed her routine and would not leave her house unaccompan­ied.

Russell was traced and warned after she contacted police.

Less than two months later, however, two women, aged 40 and 44, saw Russell “turn to face them” as they were out running on the old railway line from Dollar to Tillicoult­ry.

Ms Hutchison said they were “so unsettled by his demeanour” they immediatel­y turned and ran back the way they’d come.

They had run for a full mile when suddenly they heard footsteps behind them and Russell then ran between them.

“Fearful”, they slowed to let him get ahead.

Ms Hutchison said: “He then also slowed, so they slowed further. This continued, with the accused slowing to the pace of the women until all three were at walking pace.”

The following month a 46-year-old mother, walking with her children on the same old rail track, found Russell less than three feet behind her.

He went out of his way to remain “uncomforta­bly” close behind her and she began to fear his intentions and became worried for her children.

Ms Hutchison said: “She kept increasing her pace but was continuall­y matched by Russell, who remained very close behind her.”

Eventually she and her children were running, and Russell was running too, “adjacent and in close proximity”.

To try to put distance between them, the mother then slowed to a walk. Russell “ran on for three or four metres, then also slowed to a walk”.

Eventually he turned up a set of steps, then turned back, and walked straight towards and then past the woman, whom Ms Hutchison said was “by now very fearful”.

On April 21, 2020, about 4.25pm, he shadowed and terrified an 18-year-old girl on Back Road, Dollar, before hiding in bushes.

On May 3, 2020, he was arrested and released after giving an undertakin­g that he would “stay away” from cycle paths and popular walking routes.

He breached this only four days later by lurking in bushes on an old railway line which is now part of the West Fife Way cycle route from Clackmanna­n to Dunfermlin­e and “staring” at two 28-yearold women walkers.

He “kept appearing, looking towards them, and returning to the bushes”, the court heard. He then followed them closely, “mirroring their pace”.

He also “scared” a 31 year old woman running on the same Devon Way cycle track with her 11-month-old baby in a buggy; a 52-year-old woman walking home in Alva one evening from a parish church meeting; and a 58 year old woman who was running alone on a country road near the Linn Mill Bridge landmark, over the Black Devon River.

In this case, Russell, having concealed himself near the historic bridge, suddenly emerged as she passed.

Ms Hutchison said: “He didn’t say anything, but the way he jumped out gave her a fright, and made her feel uneasy.”

The woman ran off as fast as she could, and after reading about similar incidents, contacted police.

Russell, of Dollar, Clackmanna­nshire, appeared by video link.

He had pled guilty last month to eight offences of threatenin­g behaviour and a ninth of breaching an undertakin­g, all between November 21, 2019 and May 7, 2020.

The court heard he repeatedly failed to observe Covid-19 social distancing guidelines while carrying out his prowling.

Solicitor Erin Monaghan, defending, said that while Russell’s behaviour was “weird, alarming, and on any view concerning” it did not meet the legislativ­e test for having “a significan­t sexual element” to it.

She admitted: “He clearly has alarming views on women.”

Sheriff Neil Bowie said that remarks Russell had made to a social worker about women - which were not revealed in open court - meant it was no longer safe for him to be at large while a report on him was prepared by a forensic psychologi­st.

Ruling there was indeed a “significan­t sexual element”, he said: “He’s made comments that are concerning and there’s a significan­t risk if he remains at liberty.

“It was always females he was approachin­g, of various ages, alone or in couples, overly closely.”

Revoking bail, he deferred sentence until January 6 (2022) for the psychologi­st’s report.

He didn’t say anything but the way he jumped out gave her a fright, and made her feel uneasy.

 ?? ?? Secluded The path between Dollar and Tillicoult­ry in winter when Russell is said to have targetted one of his victims
Secluded The path between Dollar and Tillicoult­ry in winter when Russell is said to have targetted one of his victims

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