Stockport Express

Heartfelt support from around the world


PEOPLE from all over the world have been showing their solidarity with the people of Manchester by sending us their hearts – literally.

The #AHEART4MCR campaign was the brainchild of Beth Clarke from Marple, after she decided she wanted to do something following last week’s bombing which killed 22 people and injured 120.

People have been sending her handmade hearts in their hundreds, and next week she and a group of volunteers plan to distribute them in the city centre and around Manchester Arena where the attack took place.

Beth, 33, who runs a small craft business from her home, had the idea after making a crochet heart to hang in her window. She said: “I have got two children myself and I was devastated by the attack.

“I am a member of quite a few craft groups on Facebook, so I posted a message asking if people wanted to send hearts for us to take into Manchester.

“The response has been amazing – the #AHEART4MCR group now has about 3,800 members and it is rising all the time.”

People of all ages from all over the world, including Australia, South America, the USA and New Zealand, have sent in hearts made of wool, wood, paper and many other mediums; all of which have been handmade with love.

Ruby Blue Boutique in Marple volunteere­d to take the deliveries of the hearts for Beth and her two children, nine-yearold Sam and four-year-old Faith, have been helping her sort and label them.

Beth and her band of volunteers have had T-shirts made and will be distributi­ng the hearts on Monday (June 5).

“I have a list as long as my arm of people who want to help,” she said. “In two days I have received around 500 hearts and they are incredibly varied.

“Primary school teachers have also been in touch to say it has been a really good thing for the children to get involved with, to help them understand what has happened.

“I have been totally overwhelme­d and blown away by the response.

“We just want to let people know that people from all over the world have been thinking of Manchester.”

For more informatio­n or to get involved visit 1206824976­093485.

 ??  ?? ●●Beth Clarke with son Sam and some of the hearts
●●Beth Clarke with son Sam and some of the hearts

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