Stockport Express

Dedicated to victims and their families


IN light of the Manchester terror attacks on Monday, May 22, I feel it only appropriat­e to dedicate my column this week to the victims, families and all those involved in the horrific incident which occurred in our community that night.

A teenage pop concert is a rite of passage for any young music fan; the joy and self-confidence it brings is one that I am sure we have all felt growing up.

I know I can remember my very first concert and the excitement it brought and so to hear and witness the utter devastatio­n that unfolded before our eyes on Monday night was one that brought shock, anger and deep sadness.

I first of all want to pass on my deepest sympathies to the 22 lives that were lost that evening, my thoughts and prayers go out to them, their families and all those who have been affected.

Secondly to the emergency services, NHS and Manchester businesses who worked through the night to help everyone involved.

Thirdly the communitie­s of Manchester; the compassion, support and strength that has been shown during this traumatic time is commendabl­e and one that makes me proud to be from Manchester.

It is safe to say this cowardly act will change our city and will never be forgotten but if we stand together, strong and united, we will not be beaten by extreme terrorism and mindless acts of violence.

 ??  ?? Chair of Stockport Economic Alliance CHRISTIAN MANCIER
Chair of Stockport Economic Alliance CHRISTIAN MANCIER

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