Stockport Express


- ANDREW NUTTER Nutters Restaurant, Edenfield Road, Rochdale. Tel: 01706 650167 @Nutsfood on Twitter

Serves 6

Panna Cotta

●800ml whipping cream

●200ml raspberry purée

●One vanilla pod – split

●265g caster sugar

●Three leaves gelatine – soaked in some water

Brandy snap

●100g butter

●90g glucose

●130g caster sugar

●90g plain flour

Praline Shards

●100g hazelnuts

●50g caster sugar

●One tablespoon water

To finish

●Whipping cream – crème Chantilly

●Fresh raspberrie­s


1. Warm the cream, raspberry purée and vanilla pod together and stir in the sugar.

Dissolve the gelatine then pour into individual glasses or cups.

Leave in the fridge for at least four hours to set. 2. For the brandy snap – melt the butter and glucose together in a small pan.

Remove from heat and add the sugar and flour and mix well.

Cool and leave in the fridge until needed.

To bake, form the mixture into small balls the size of marbles.

Place on a non-stick tray well spaced apart and bake in a hot oven at 170ºC until light golden.

Working quickly lift off the tray and form into cylinder shapes, before leaving to cool.

The mixture soon goes brittle.

Store in an airtight container until ready to use. 3. For the praline – make a light caramel with the sugar and water.

Add the hazelnuts and spoon onto a baking sheet, leave to set then break into shards. 4. When ready to serve, spoon some crème Chantilly on top of each panna cotta. Add some fresh raspberrie­s and finish with the shards of praline and brandy snaps.

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