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●TAKE softwood cuttings. The tender new growth of many plants will root easily (e.g. fuchsia, hydrangea, lavender). Cut beneath a leaf node where there is a concentrat­ion of growth hormones, dip in some rooting powder and plant in a pot.

●HOW’S your compost heap? Turn it over to air it and add some moisture if it is too dry.

●WATER peas and beans – they are starting to flower so will be particular­ly thirsty as they form pods. Carrot seedlings will need thinning.

●FRUIT in pots will need a high potash liquid feed and those in the ground will like a sprinkle of slowreleas­e fertiliser. Protect developing fruits from birds with netting.

●HOT sunny days can cause overheatin­g in the greenhouse – keep vents and windows open during the day and check plants daily for watering. Damp down on very hot days with a hose to increase humidity.

●LILIES will need staking now.

●ORIENTAL poppies look amazing – briefly – but after their spectacula­r flowering, cut them back and you might just get another flush of flowers.

●HARVEST salads and radishes. Then sow some more!

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