Strathearn Herald

Shambles in May’s campaign


Theresa May insists she has strong and stable leadership, without evidence.

Now we know that she has U-turned on her manifesto pledge to introduce a regressive tax on people by insisting the tax will be capped at a level as yet unspecifie­d.

Strong leadership? I suppose she does not want to reveal her hand à la Brexit so that the electorate are in the dark and will be fooled by her sleight of hand.

Brexit means Brexit is now capped dementia tax means capped dementia tax as yet unspecifie­d.

What a shambles. Where does Ruth Davidson stand on that? I suppose just following the strong and incisive leader.

It seems to be May’s forte now to cause havoc within her own party. It is trying to catch up with the U-turns. Leading them where? Leading the country in Brexit where? If she cannot get a manifesto policy detail right from within how will she fare with Barnier and Co where their clear red lines are already extant?

Manifestos are meant to be thought-out and subject to critical thinking and projection­s of intended outcomes and impact. Strong leadership is supposed to do that.

Here May falls at the first hurdle and that is within her party. Then her public U-turn within days. No wonder she did not present herself at the leaders’ debates. John Edgar, Blackford

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