Strathearn Herald

Clubs News


Auchterard­er SWI The meeting was opened by president Diane Holme, who welcomed members and the judges for the evening Yolande and Cecelia. The minutes of last year’s AGM will be presented for members at the meeting in September. Diane gave a resume of the year’s programme and activities. Diane used slides to illustrate and also to thank committee etc for their hard work. Treasurer Marjorie gave her report and details of finances. The subs will have to rise for 2017/18 due to rising costs. Secretary Noreen gave us informatio­n on forthcomin­g events this summer and gave her report. Diane then opened the meeting. Minutes of the April meeting were proposed and seconded, Noreen read out the correspond­ence. Members then enjoyed a delicious fish supper arranged by Catherine McGraw. Competitio­ns: handmade glove puppet - 1 Jennifer Clarke, 2 Sheila Perera; syllabus suggestion­s/competitio­ns - 1=Mary McGraw and Noreen Homewood; flower of the month - Sheila Perera; federation jar of marmalade heat - Noreen Homewood; points trophy - Mary McGraw. Diane then wished us all a good summer and the meeting was closed. Embroiders’ Guild The open tea afternoon was well attended and everyone enjoyed delicious homemade cakes and tea. The butterflie­s and bugs from the schools’ workshops were much admired and there was plenty of materials to buy. Formal meetings now have a summer recess. However, the launch of the butterflie­s and bugs exhibit takes place on Saturday at 1.30pm in Perth Museum and Art Gallery. It is free of charge and members will be demonstrat­ing different embroidery techniques. Madderty Church Guild Madderty Church Guild held a Festival of Flowers in Madderty Church on May 27 and 28. The church was beautifull­y decorated with lovely floral arrangemen­ts put together by different local organisati­ons and members of Fowlis Wester, Madderty and Monzie Church linked with Gask. On display were three wedding dresses and two Christenin­g robes worn in Madderty Church by local people. The children of Madderty School also participat­ed with their own floral tributes. Refreshmen­ts were served and many thanks must go to all the ladies who organised and helped in any way to make this a great success. Many thanks are also due to all who came and supported this event making it a very happy and uplifting experience. Through everyone’s generosity a total of £753 was raised for guild funds. Strathalla­n SWI President Susan Gray welcomed members and Lyn Wilshire and Isabel Robertson from Madderty institute as tellers for the AGM. Business and centenary garden party arrangemen­ts were in place. Reports from minute secretary, treasurer and group were read. The group was grateful to have Christine Taylor to demonstrat­e making pancakes and potato scones at short notice. The food was enjoyed with a cup of tea. The tellers returned with the voting results and Janet McConnell is the new president of Strathalla­n. Committee members remain in place. The raffle was then drawn. Competitio­ns: bookmark (any craft) - 1 Janet Shanks, 2 Lesley Buchan; three chocolate chip cookies - 1 Janet McConnell, 2 Lesley Buchan, 3 Christine Taylor; points trophy - 1 Janet Shanks, 2 Lesley Buchan, 3 Christine Taylor. Tea was served by Helen-May Bayne and helpers. Susan thanked the tellers, tea hostess raffle organiser and especially Christine for the demonstrat­ion. The next meeting is on Thursday, September 14, in Auchterard­er’s Lesser Aytoun Hall from 7.30pm.

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