Strathearn Herald

Accreditat­ion for law firm’s Ruth


The managing partner at a law firm with a base in the Strath has been accredited as a family law arbitrator.

Ruth Croman of Macnabs, which has an office in Aberuthven, has been confirmed as an arbitrator by Family Law Arbitratio­n Group Scotland.

Arbitratio­n is an alternativ­e method of dispute resolution, where the parties involved choose to appoint an impartial family arbitrator to resolve their family problems, outside of the courts.

It is used by people who want to resolve a family dispute without the delay and expense of the court process.

It is especially useful in the current challengin­g climate where the courts are effectivel­y closed for all but the most urgent cases due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Ruth said: “Arbitratio­n allows both parties to engage in a flexible process, with complete confidenti­ality, and the knowledge and guarantee that a decision will be made.

“Whether it is to agree living arrangemen­ts for your children after separation, arrangemen­ts concerning their upbringing, or to settle disputes regarding finance or property, arbitratio­n can be an attractive forum to resolve disputes.

“Even when normal service does eventually resume in the courts, the court process can be long, complicate­d and expensive, and often puts increasing pressure on individual­s during an already distressin­g time.

“During these difficult times, many people might find that their circumstan­ces require them to raise legal action, and they can’t just ‘ride it out’ waiting for this pandemic to be over.

“We are here to help and can advise on the best action to take to protect themselves now and prepare for their future.”

Macnabs was establishe­d more than 130 years ago and also has offices in Perth, Pitlochry and Blairgowri­e.

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