Strathearn Herald

New Year to remember in spite of cancellati­on


It was a special and uplifting surprise ...

Arianne Newlands

Comrie resident Arianne Newlands was delighted when she spotted the first flambeaux going past her window in Drummond Street.

She said: “Having lived in the heart of Comrie, on the main street of the village, I am no stranger to the Hogmanay festivitie­s.

“With so much to be miserable about in 2020, the lack of a flambeaux parade through the village was the last of the disappoint­ments in the annual calendar.

“Or so I thought! Usually my children spend Hogmanay with their dad and I’m at a party or enjoying Scotland’s biggest night of the year.

“This year, they were to spend Hogmanay at home with me for a quiet night in. We’d watched The Sound of Music and had seen in the bells with the countdown on BBC Scotland.

“Then, as I walked to the kitchen and passed my window there was a familiar sight outside – a glowing flambeau moving slowly along the street.

“I shouted to the kids and we all rushed to the door and onto the street in our pyjamas to see a lone flambeau being hoisted proudly towards the Comrie Hotel.

“There were a few familiar faces from neighbouri­ng houses as they opened their own front doors.

“It was a special and uplifting surprise at the end of a year where nothing good was expected.

“My children asked if we could follow on behind down to the square so we grabbed jackets and boots over our pyjamas and sauntered along behind the lone flambeau, feeling part of something intimate and special and historical­ly respectful.

“To our further delight when we reached the corner of Dundas Street, there was a second flambeau. “Both masked bearers then walked side by side with the so familiar two metres between them. By now there were little household groups doing the same as us, walking respectful­ly in their own intimate groups behind these two brilliant locals, socially-distant and maintainin­g a tradition which according to some has been around for hundreds of years.”

Arianne continued: “It was very quiet, very special. This year’s impromptu ‘socially-distanced celebratio­n’ lacked the usual hugs and kisses and handshakes, but to watch the flambeaux tradition being upheld in such a peaceful and serene way will be remembered as one of my favourite New Year memories.”

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