Strathearn Herald

Medics issue virus rules plea


Key healthcare figures have joined forces to issue a plea to residents in the Strath and beyond to follow the current Covid-19 rules.

NHS Tayside frontline clinician, Dr David Connell, nurse director Claire Pearce and director of public health, Dr Emma Fletcher, jointly urged people to heed the revised guidelines.

Dr Connell, respirator­y physician and clinical lead for winter planning, has been working in the Covid-19 areas at Ninewells Hospital.

At the end of last week, he said: “In the last week, the number of patients being admitted to hospital with the virus has more than doubled and more critically ill patients are being cared for in Tayside’s dedicated Covid High Dependency Unit and Covid Intensive Care Unit at Ninewells Hospital.

“This increase in admissions is on top of the usual winter demands and pressures which come with this time of year.

“The recent wintry and icy weather has also led to a large number of people attending hospital, many of whom now require surgery following slips and trips.

“Unfortunat­ely, this increasing trend in hospital admissions due to Covid-19 is going to continue for a number of weeks to come, so it’s now more vitally important than ever that everyone follows the lockdown guidance and stays at home to help protect the NHS.”

Ms Pearce stressed: “All we are asking is that everyone else helps us out by making sure they are doing everything they can to protect themselves, their loved ones and all the care teams across Tayside.”

Dr Fletcher added: “The more infectious strain of Covid- 19 is accelerati­ng the spread of the virus across the country so please help us across our health and social care services by following the rules.

“Don’t mix households. Don’t meet up with more than one person outside and stick with the ‘FACTS’ guidance.”

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