Strathearn Herald

True grit as volunteer group spruces up site

Work at churchyard


Hard-working volunteers who maintain the Old St Michael’s Church grounds in Crieff have been refreshing and extending the churchyard’s pathway over recent weeks.

Funding for the project came from Scottish walking charity Paths for All, which awarded £488 to community group Friends of Old St Michael’s.

Craig Finlay is the secretary of the group.

He explained: “The pathway through Old St Michael’s is fairly well-used and so it needed a fresh coating of grit.

“We’ve also extended the path slightly, adding a small section leading into the oldest area of headstones.

“It is pleasing for those of us who maintain the grounds to see an increase in the number of people using the space.

“The area was known for many years as a space to avoid due to neglect and misuse and that really can’t be said now.

“The various planting has added colour and interest, and the views across to Drummond Castle and the Strathearn valley are stunning.”

Craig continued: “It’s important to residents, and for attracting visitors, that public spaces aren’t abandoned so the work which many people have put into Old St Michael’s is a benefit to the town.

“We’re grateful to all the organisati­ons who provide funding to us.”

Local architect Andrew Rodger is currently leading a team of specialist­s to survey the building, which dates from 1786 and was completed in 1826.

The building was the town’s parish church for much of the 19th century and, latterly, was used as a community hall by a variety of groups until 2012.

Craig added: “A structural report should be completed later this year.

“This will give us vital informatio­n about what kind of shape the building is really in.”

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Murphy the horse, Hendy Pollock and Peter Littwin extending a section of path
Helping out Murphy the horse, Hendy Pollock and Peter Littwin extending a section of path

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