Strathearn Herald

Rise in weather repairs to homes


The cold weather saw a surge in demand for repairs to council properties across the region, according to the local authority.

Calls to Perth and Kinross Council’s housing repairs service centre rose by 150 per cent during the peak of the cold weather earlier this month to around 100 calls a day, a spokespers­on for the council revealed earlier this week.

Most calls were said to relate to leaks, frozen pipes or frozen condensate pipes and staff“worked as fast as possible”to make urgent repairs and deliver temporary heaters and bottled water to tenants as required.

Although the number of calls has returned to normal levels, PKC housing and social wellbeing committee convener, Councillor Tom McEwan, urged householde­rs to take steps to protect their homes this winter.

The Blairgowri­e and Glens SNP elected member said:“Prolonged cold snaps like we saw before Christmas inevitably put pressure on our housing repairs team.

“Sadly, the cost of living crisis means people worried about their fuel bills will be reluctant to heat their homes as well as they normally would.

“Although the weather has improved, I’d ask tenants to prepare as best they can for further cold weather and protect their homes as much as possible.

“If there is another drop in temperatur­es, remember that our phone lines may get busy so please be patient if you don’t get through straight away.

“We will do everything we can to deal with repairs as quickly as possible.”

Cllr McEwan added there is advice and support available to help tenants protect their homes.

He explained:“SCARF can provide informatio­n about energy efficiency and heating their homes while our welfare rights team can make sure tenants are receiving all the winter payments and benefits they are entitled to.

“Our support and housing officers are targeting those tenants most at risk and providing tailored advice and assistance, particular­ly to those struggling financiall­y and are providing advice on how to protect their home this winter.”

 ?? ?? Help at hand
Cllr Tom McEwan
Help at hand Cllr Tom McEwan

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