Strathearn Herald

Carriers of Hogmanay tradition depicted in painting


Flambeaux carriers past and present have been delighted to see themselves depicted in a new painting by Comrie man Sam Cramb.

Sam has captured the essence of the village’s traditiona­l Hogmanay celebratio­ns in the artwork, which is now taking pride of place halfway up the stairs of the White Church community centre .

Sam told the Herald: “It took a year, which is quite fast for me! I wasn’t painting every day – just when I had time. It’s just a hobby.

“Most of it was done from photograph­s that Dave [Robertson] had organised but it was quite hard because for the painting they all had to be walking the one way, but I had all these photograph­s from different directions.

“So that was a bit tricky, trying to get them all the same way and also the angle of the houses. It’s not a specific year – it’s from loads of years.”

And, as a former flambeaux carrier, Sam has also put himself in the frame.

He continued: “George Bennie is in the front because he is carrying the flambeaux how they were originally carried.

“Then we have Dave Robertson, Ewan Mitchell, myself, Callum McDougall, Steve Mair, Andy Gairns, Stuart Gairns, James Stewart, Willie McGillivra­y – he was carrying it the original way as well – Rab Davidson and Bruce Gairns.”

Flambeaux Committee chair Hamish Reid joked: “The painting is so life-like, when you pass by you can almost feel the heat from the flambeaux and smell the whisky!”

Hamish added: “It captures the whole essence of the flambeaux and having it in the White Church beside a life-size flambeaux is great. It’s all credit to Sam. Thanks to him for doing it.”

Members of the Flambeaux Committee have been undertakin­g the annual door-to-door collection­s for the village’s Hogmanay event.

Collection­s had to take a back seat during the pandemic but a JustGiving page has also been set up to make it easier to donate.

And the Flambeaux Committee is hoping to have prints made from Sam’s painting that can be sold to help raise further funds.

The committee’s Davie Robertson explained: “A limited run of prints will be made to help us raise funds. Sam has been associated with the flambeaux for a long time and has now painted this lovely picture.

“It’s great that it is on show for everyone to see, right beside a full-size flambeaux. We are also having a cabinet made where the flambeaux trophies will be displayed.

“If anyone would like to buy a print of the painting they can contact the committee.”

Davie can be reached on 07977 014551.

 ?? ?? Painting presentati­on Sam Cramb with Hamish Reid and Davie Robertson of the Flambeaux Committee
Painting presentati­on Sam Cramb with Hamish Reid and Davie Robertson of the Flambeaux Committee

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