Strathearn Herald

MSP calls for awareness when out on hills


Mid Scotland and Fife MSP Liz Smith has lodged a motion in the Scottish Parliament designed to highlight Mountainee­ring Scotland’s ‘ThinkWINTE­R’ campaign.

Throughout the winter Police Scotland will be working in partnershi­p with Scottish Mountain Rescue, Glenmore Lodge and Mountainee­ring Scotland to promote simple safety informatio­n.

Conservati­ve politician Ms Smith, herself a keen moutaineer, said: “All of us who enjoy the stunning beauty of Scotland’s landscape in the winter months must be aware of the dangers our mountains can pose in the winter months.

“I applaud Mountainee­ring Scotland on their current campaign which has brought together key partners including Scottish Mountain Rescue, Mountain Training Scotland, Glenmore Lodge, Scottish Avalanche Informatio­n Service, Developing Mountain Biking in Scotland and Police Scotland.

“These organisati­ons do an amazing job raising awareness, providing training, increasing knowledge and far too often mounting urgent rescue efforts for those who get caught in horrendous conditions or suffer an accident in our mountains.

“I would urge anyone thinking about heading out into our mountains and wild spaces this winter to ensure they familiaris­e themselves with the #thinkWINTE­R campaign and to only head out when conditions are suitable and they know they have the equipment and skills to be safe. There is so much to enjoy in the majesty of the Scottish winter landscape but it can be treacherou­s too.”

Those heading out into the hills are advised to plan ahead, check activity specific weather forecasts and keep within their capabiliti­es.

Make sure someone knows your route plan for the day and if you do find yourself lost, injured or otherwise needing urgent assistance, call 999.

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