Strathearn Herald

Search for Harris still continuing

Deer was let out of its enclosure


Worried staff at a Strath wildlife park were yesterday still searching for a much-loved deer that was let out of its enclosure a week ago.

Harris the red deer stag was “enticed” out of his field at Auchingarr­ich Wildlife Park near Comrie on October 31 after someone was claimed to have cut a hole in the enclosure’s wire fence.

Police were informed and local people offered to help search for the magnificen­t stag and the 31 female deer that had got out with him.

Head park keeper Kevin Campbell was devastated their key breeding male was missing from his safe surroundin­gs where he had food, shelter and plenty of company. The animal is tame and has no fear of humans.

Staff at privately-owned Auchingarr­ich wildlife park and petting zoo feared Harris was in danger of being shot by ‘ trophy hunters’ who might be tempted to shoot such a handsome beast.

The missing hinds were recovered at the weekend but there is still no sign of six-yearold Harris.

Following wide publicity about the vandalism to the deer park fence and the stag’s disappeara­nce, those at Auchingarr­ich now think killing the stag for his antlers was perhaps not the primary motive and that someone let the whole group of deer out for other reasons.

Auchingarr­ich gave the following update on Sunday night: “Good news and bad for this evening’s Harris update.

“Good news first: We have managed to get the girls back into the deer field. We will do a full head count first light tomorrow but we think we have them.

“It was a case of rattling buckets and luring them back to the field with the help of the buggy. We had so many great suggestion­s which really helped us with the recapture.

“Also, I spoke to one of the UK’s leading security consultant­s who believes that Harris is still alive.

“After assessing all the evidence, he believes it’s most likely that this was just an attempt to free the herd for whatever reason.

“All informatio­n has been reported to the police and their enquiries continue. The bad news is we still haven’t found Harris.”

Kevin has been searching the woods and fields several times daily since the break-out was discovered.

On Friday, a squad of 20 people spread out in a line and ‘combed’ the forest within five miles of the wildlife park.

Kevin has been patrolling the nearby roads in a vehicle, going on foot and ‘calling’ for Harris, mimicking the ‘roaring’ sound stags make at this time of year to challenge other males.

Kevin explained the ruse might draw Harris back home as stags can hear another one roaring up to five miles away and will keep heading towards the sound to see the rival stag off.

Money has been pouring in to a GoFundMe page to improve security at the animal attraction near Comrie so something like this does not happen again.

The appeal organisers wrote: “For those of you who have supported us, we would like to thank you.

“Thank you to everyone who loves and cares for animals as we do.”

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 ?? ?? Missing Wildlife park staff are concerned for much-loved Harris
Missing Wildlife park staff are concerned for much-loved Harris

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