Stuff (UK)



1. Unzip for more

If you’re a serial airport shopper, opting for an expandable case is no bad bet: pack down your cabin bag for security, before unzipping it to unleash extra capacity for duty-free deals.

2. Go hard or go soft

Baggage handlers aren’t known for treating luggage gently. Peace of mind comes in the form of hard ABS shells – but bear in mind this reduces their flexibilit­y for cramming stuff in.

3. Head towards the light

With weight allowances tighter than ever, the last thing you need is your wheely number weighing you down. Opt for a polypropyl­ene constructi­on for lightweigh­t sturdiness.

4. Divide and order

It’s worth looking into whether a case offers an unordered cavern or divides its space into segments. The latter is useful to avoid creased ties, but open is the way to go for shoe-carriers.

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