Sunday Express

Corbyn relaxes without a care in the world...


JEREMY CORBYN swapped the Morning

Star for the Financial Times yesterday as a survey revealed that the country has no confidence in his leadership, writes David Maddox.

According to the

Sunday Express ComRes poll of 2,031 adults 59 per cent disagreed with the statement he would be a better Prime Minister than Theresa May.

Of even more concern for the Labour leader only 48 per cent of those who identified as voters of his party thought he should be Prime Minister.

Wearing his Lenin-style cap and an anorak Mr Corbyn was seen leaving his home yesterday, returning moments later with newspapers.

Our poll also saw a huge rejection for his views on progressin­g Brexit. His demand for a general

‘Duty to engage’

election was only backed by 30 per cent but opposed by 50 per cent.

And voters made it clear they believe he should work with the PM, rather than refusing to talk, with 39 per cent even supporting a government of national unity.

Sixty-one per cent want the two party leaders to set aside difference­s and work together.

If there was an election tomorrow, the poll puts the Tories on 39 per cent up one with Labour on 38 per cent down two.

Meanwhile, key Labour figures have made it clear they are dismayed by Mr Corbyn’s stance.

Deputy leader Tom Watson yesterday said: “As the clock ticks constantly down, it is our duty to engage intelligen­tly with the Government on Brexit negotiatio­ns.”

 ?? Picture: MARK KEHOE ?? POLL SNUB: Jeremy Corbyn outside his home yesterday
Picture: MARK KEHOE POLL SNUB: Jeremy Corbyn outside his home yesterday
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