Sunday Express

MPs should ‘forfeit pay over Brexit’

- By David Maddox

FED-UP voters want MPs to lose their salaries until they sort out Brexit, a new poll for the Sunday Express has revealed.

The depth of public anger with the Remainer dominated Parliament not delivering Brexit was shown in the ComRes poll of 2,031 adults.

According to the results, voters backed MPs losing their salaries by 48 per cent to 29 per cent. Meanwhile, nearly 80 per cent agreed with the statement “most politician­s don’t take into account the views and concerns of ordinary people”.

The poll further showed 38 per cent in favour of no deal compared to 36 per cent against.

Leading Tory

Brexiteer MP

Peter Bone, who led the Grassroots

Out campaign group, said he was

“not surprised” that voters were angry with MPs ignoring their wishes over Brexit.

He said: “Parliament delegated this decision to the British people in a referendum where they voted to Leave, but now a significan­t proportion of MPs are trying to ignore their wishes because they did not like the result. They are trying to block this decision by the British people.” He said the poll findings reflected his experience of canvassing on doorsteps yesterday where voters expressed anger at attempts by Remainers to scupper Brexit.

He said: “They said to me ‘why don’t they just get on with it and leave’. That is what real people are saying not just the Westminste­r bubble. People don’t understand why it has taken so long.” The poll also showed voters were against a second referendum by 47 per cent to 38 per cent. While 33 per cent want to Remain, 47 per cent want Britain to Leave and 50 per cent are against another general election.

Downing Street said: “The figures in this poll are clear. They want MPs to get on with this and find a solution, deliver on the referendum result, take back control of our money, laws and borders, and build a more prosperous Britain with free trade deals around the world.”

The spokesman added Mrs May was determined to get a deal that reflects the referendum result and can win a majority in parliament.

On Friday she met with the Democratic Unionist Party whose 10 Northern Ireland MPs have a confidence and supply deal with the Tories. The DUP has refused to back Mrs May’s deal but one cabinet minister told the Sunday Express “they are more persuadabl­e than some on our own benches”.

The poll showed three quarters of voters believe the government handled the negotiatio­ns badly and 48 per cent believe Mrs May is not the best person to lead the talks.

But 59 per cent think Labour’s leader Corbyn would be worse and more than 60 per cent think Boris Johnson, Michael Gove or Sajid Javed would be worse. If a referendum was held 56 per cent would vote Remain and 44 per cent Leave.

 ?? Picture: JOHN KEEBLE/Getty ?? STREET LEGAL? Remainers marching in London last year under a banner featuring NHS logo
Picture: JOHN KEEBLE/Getty STREET LEGAL? Remainers marching in London last year under a banner featuring NHS logo

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