Sunday Express

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Your family during the crisis... Unelected fixer made by Brexit


circumstan­ces were people allowed to attend relatives’ addresses: for example, to drop off food or medicine.

The Government’s website stated: “Essential travel does not include visits to second homes, camp sites, caravan parks or similar, whether for isolation purposes or holidays.

“People must remain in their primary residence. Not taking these steps puts additional pressure on communitie­s and services already at risk.”

The current guidance states: “If you are showing coronaviru­s symptoms, or if you or any of your household are selfisolat­ing, you should stay at home – this is critical to staying safe and saving lives.”

TO his supporters Dominic Cummings is the political mastermind who helped win Brexit – but enemies see him as the unelected power behind the No 10 throne.

The dad-of-one, 48, is no stranger to controvers­y even before Boris Johnson hired him as his senior aide.

After campaignin­g against Britain joining the Euro, Cummings worked for then leader Iain Duncan Smith but left eight months later frustrated at attempts to modernise the party.

He then rose to prominence working for Michael Gove from 2007 to 2014.

The following year he became campaign director at the official Brexit group Vote Leave and was credited with creating its slogan: “Take back control”.

His notoriety was such that Benedict Cumberbatc­h played him in last year’s TV drama Brexit: The Uncivil War.

Hired by the PM in the summer 2019, Mr Cummings soon set to work on reshapingw­hitehall, issuing a recruitmen­t call “weirdos and misfits” to shake up the Civil Service.

But concerns of political interferen­ce in the coronaviru­s advisory group Sage emerged after it was revealed Cummings had been present at meetings.

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ROLE: Cumberbatc­h

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