Sunday Express

Stressful days on Parliament’s front line

- By David Williamson POLITICAL EDITOR

THE HOUSES of Parliament are now notorious as a mouse-ridden fire hazard where gargoyles crumble and more than £80million had to be spent repairing a giant clock. But each new sleaze scandal is a reminder that it is not just the building that is falling apart. MPS have the potential to self-immolate.

Men and women pursue the dream of winning a seat on the green benches with the same tenacity with which a tennis player chases the glory of centre court at Wimbledon. But once inside Westminste­r’s hallowed halls the ambitions of talented individual­s are derailed by personal disasters.

Chris Pincher, pictured, who quit as deputy chief whip last week and has been accused of groping two men, started his resignatio­n letter to the PM with the words: “Last night I drank far too much.”

Tales of inebriatio­n in and around Westminste­r are legion.

It is very easy for a newly arrived MP to start drinking more than he or she would in normal life. Lobbyists and journalist­s want to take them out for a pint or lunch; they are deluged with invitation­s to receptions, and within Parliament there are bars where MPS and staff congregate to let off steam.

Just as City workers pile into pubs at the end of a stress-packed day to drink and gossip, parliament­arians relish the chance to unwind with colleagues they like and (somewhat) trust.

Quite a few MPS steer clear of the Strangers’ Bar, preferring to pump iron in the gym. And during the day you are more likely to see politicos queueing for coffee than nursing a Guinness.

But humans are sociable animals, and many MPS are extroverts, and evening gatherings chime with the clink of glasses.

One of the best perks of being an MP is getting access to the

House of Commons terrace which faces the Thames and looks across to the London Eye and Lambeth Palace. On a sunny evening, it is a supreme pleasure to sit there and enjoy a glass of wine.

Then it might be time for a curry in one of the legendary nearby Kennington hang-outs or a dinner at a London club. So, yes, there are plenty of opportunit­ies for moderate drinkers who arrive in Parliament to up their intake.

But easy access to alcohol alone does not explain the self-destructio­n which dooms so many parliament­ary careers.

Nothing excuses outrageous, cruel or predatory behaviour, but the nature of the job means that MPS are daily served a cocktail of stress and anxiety.

It is a human instinct to fret about what people might say about you behind your back but an MP only needs to glance at Twitter to see themselves described as scum. Millions of people worry about job security, but every MP knows that rival parties are actively plotting their downfall.

Politician­s will joke about the anonymous trolls who target them for abuse but this torrent of hatred takes a toll.

When an MP stands up in the Commons chamber or steps in front of a TV camera, he or she is acutely aware that their opponents are waiting for them to slip up.

One of the biggest strains that wear down politician­s is the challenge of living away from home for much of each week.

MPS talk of how their children have changed in the days they have been away. There is the gnawing sense they are missing out on something precious. One MP told me he would happily take a pay cut if accommodat­ion allowances were reformed so he could have his family with him in London. But voters now expect MPS to base their families in the constituen­cy.

The introducti­on of “family friendly” hours in the Commons means that many MPS find themselves at a loose end in the evening. If the choice is between returning to a lonely flat or hotel room and going for a few drinks, the latter seems an attractive option.

We must entice brilliant people to stand for election and urge MPS to build a better Britain

POLITICIAN­S know the chance of a public outpouring of sympathy for their plight is nil. But it is a cause for concern if the reality of life in frontline politics is so gruelling that only zealots and ideologues apply.

People who love their communitie­s and buzz with ideas to improve the country are badly needed in Parliament. They won’t stand for election if they think this means deserting their family, jumping into a social media cesspit, and having to spend their waking hours dodging lecherous drunks.

If Westminste­r is regarded as Animal House on the Thames it will only hasten the desire of the Scots to sever links with this Parliament. Citizens battered by the cost-of-living crisis will despair of democracy if they think the people paid to represent them are living the high life while they suffer.

The best way to clean up politics is to encourage brilliant men and women to stand for election – and to urge the many excellent MPS to stick at it, despite the pulverisin­g pressures. Let’s raise a glass to everyone who gets off the sidelines and tries to build a better Britain, and hope that when they get to Westminste­r they aren’t hit by a falling


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