Sunday Mail (UK)

Cybercrime chief’s vow over £1billion threat to economy


Criminals are crippling hospitals and businesses with cyber attacks and demanding a cash ransom.

Steven Wilson, the Scot leading the Cybercrime Centre at Europol, says the so-called ransomware attacks are becoming increasing­ly co-ordinated.

Speaking exclusivel­y to the Sunday Mail at Europol’s nerve centre in The Hague, Netherland­s, he said: “I would say the biggest threat is ransomware.

“If you take it right back two or three years ago, there was a very scattergun approach. It was hitting individual­s or businesses. Now we are starting to see far more coordinate­d attacks on different sectors.

“We’ve had multiple cases on health services, simply because they had files that were locked in and they were critical to patient care.

“The problem is that if they didn’t have them, somebody could die. When you start getting to that level, it underlines the serious nature of what’s involved.

“It’s no longer just pay a few hundred pounds to collect your files – this could affect patient health. We’ve seen it hitting parts of government and police forces.”

Hackers have already attacked at least 28 NHS trusts in the UK, while in February the Hollywood Presbyteri­an Medical Centre in Los Angeles were forced to pay more than £11,000 to unlock data encrypted by an attack.

Hospitals are considered the perfect targets because they provide critical care reliant on patient records.

Hackers are able to cripple systems by simply using a rogue email link which will destroy all the informatio­n held when an employee clicks on it.

Security expert Wilson, whose Europol team have access to some of the most advanced technology in the world, says Scotland is a prime target for hackers from around the globe.

It’s estimated cybercrime costs the Scottish economy up to £1billion a year, with some targeted firms too embarrasse­d to report cases.

Earlier this year, a ransomware virus meant the Edinburgh-based genealogy service, which holds family records, was forced to shut down. Glasgow salon owner Ken Main had to pay £730 to hackers believed to be from Russia after being locked out of his own appointmen­ts system for two days.

Wilson, who started his police career three decades ago with the Strathclyd­e Force, said: “If you look at Scotland, we have a prepondera­nce of small and medium businesses – 88 per cent of the economy is focused on them – and they are particular­ly vulnerable to this sort of thing.

“If you are sitting with a few thousand clients on your database, you lose that and that’s the lifeblood of your business, ultimately, businesses go under because of that type of situation.”

He says that before falling victim, people can protect themselves.

He added: “It’s not all doom and gloom. Every decryption key we get from a ransomware investigat­ion is put onto a central database.

“If you were hit tomorrow, you would go on and upload two files – it’s so simple anybody can do it. The programme will diagnose what type of ransomware it is and, if we hold the decryption key, it will automatica­lly unlock your files.”

One of the challenges is how fastmoving the world of cybercrime is, with criminals continuall­y vying to stay one step ahead.

Wi lson, who worked with the Scottish Crime and Drug Enforcemen­t Agency before special ising in cybercrime, said: “A few years ago, our take- downs of certain types of criminal infrastruc­ture in the cyber world were very effective.

“But now the bad guys have disaster recovery plans – they’ve learned from what we do.

“On occasion, we can shut down an infrastruc­ture and, within a day, it can be back up and running.

“That’s why we’re changing tactics now. It’s no longer good enough to take down these sites – you’re trying to identify who are the people behind them, how you can take action and how can you bring the resources of all of Europe or globally to bear to actually attack it.

“Criminals evolve all the time and so must pol ice forces. The one challenge in cyber crime is that it evolves more quickly than any area of criminalit­y I’ve seen. We’ll never be right on the curb of cyber criminals but we’re getting closer to it.”

Earlier this month, hackers left the west African nation of Liberia without the internet after a Denial of Service ( DDoS) attack, in which onl ine services are overwhelme­d with traffic from multiple sources.

Wi lson said: “We are moving incredibly quickly towards smart cities where everything wi l l be contacted to the internet.

“We’ve seen DDoS attacks bigger than before. That comes primarily from CCTV cameras linked to the internet but with extremely weak security.

“They’ve been taken over – in essence a zombie army – and they have been utilised to mount mass attacks in the last six weeks.

“They could be anywhere, in people’s homes and businesses.”

Europol support member states to carry out more than 18,000 crossborde­r investigat­ions each year and supports cybercrime police operations in Scotland. They included a human traffickin­g operation in April when one man was arrested in connection with alleged brother keeping in Glasgow.

Wilson says Scotland has the chance to be among the pioneers in the cyber industry as they were with the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century – but education is key.

He added: “Cyber and digital is the language of the 21st century – why are we not educating children and making them fluent in that language?

“Scotland is well ahead of the curve globally but could be doing more.

“There’s a continual threat out there but it’s back to the same messages – do some of the basics, good passwords, update your operating system and anti-virus and that will protect you from most of it.”

 ??  ?? In The Hague FEARS ALERT Europol HQ in The Hague Pictures Garry F McHarg Cybercrime is constant threat
In The Hague FEARS ALERT Europol HQ in The Hague Pictures Garry F McHarg Cybercrime is constant threat

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