Sunday Mail (UK)

Thinking outside the box

FM Giving new parents the essentials will mean babies have best start

- Nicola Sturgeon

Parents of all babies due from Tuesday are to receive a box filled with the essential items mums and dads need to look after their newborns.

While some have dismissed the baby box as just a nice gift for every new baby, it doesn’t just come with the best wishes of this Government. It has a much more important purpose.

It is part of a series of actions this Government are taking to ensure Scotland really is the best place to grow up.

That it is available to every child sends a hugely important message – that all children should have the best start in life, no matter their background, and that we will support all children and parents who need our help.

Providing a box only to those on lower incomes would brand our babies with the stigma of poverty from their earliest days.

That’s not the kind of society we want to be. So our baby box is universal.

Parents need to register for a baby box through their midwife, so the scheme also encourages the link with ante-natal services, promoting health and wellbeing for parents and babies and providing support for breastfeed­ing.

Scotland’s baby box has been designed by health experts who have advised on the materials to make sure they contain the items parents and babies need for their first six months.

It has been tested in two pilot areas with parents whose feedback has helped to ensure parents and babies receive items that have the most impact. Items in the box include a bath and a room thermomete­r, so families know their baby isn’t too hot or too cold, a baby wrap to promote vital skin to skin contact and a play mat and books to encourage parents in supporting their child’s early developmen­t. Our boxes have been awarded British Safety Standard accreditat­ion as cribs and come with guidance on how to use them as a safe sleeping place for children.

The beauty of the box though is that what goes in it will change as time goes on.

We will continue to work with mums, dads and health profession­als to see what else could be provided in the future.

And the baby box is just one part of a number of actions we are taking to support new and expectant parents and their children. Alongside it, we are expanding Family Nurse Partnershi­ps and providing 50 per cent more health visitors – 500 in total –by the end of next year to provide intensive support to families who need it.

We are fundamenta­lly improving and reshaping the way we deliver maternity and neonatal care, following our review of maternity and neonatal services to truly put the mother, baby and family at the centre of service planning and delivery.

From April this year, all pregnant women in Scotland have had access to free vitamins to help them and their baby stay healthy and we’re increasing maternity grants – the Best Start grant – to provide additional support during those crucial first months and at key points in a young child’s developmen­t.

Our additional measures don’t stop there.

This Government are introducin­g a massive expansion in early learning and childcare. We have expanded free, high-quality provision to 600 hours a year for all three and four-year-olds and extended it to two-year-olds from low-income households, saving families up to £2500 per child, per year in total.

The children who will receive the baby box this week will be among the first to benefit from a near-doubling of free childcare and will receive the full benefit of education reforms we are making now when they reach school.

Every parent wants the best for their kids and evidence shows the first few years of every child’s life are crucial – between birth and three years old is when there is the greatest opportunit­y for mums and dads to shape how their babies will grow and the types of people they will become.

I want to make sure we do all we can to support new mums and dads through those first few, unfamiliar months of parenthood and give every child in Scotland the best start in life.

The beauty of the box is what goes in it will change as time goes on

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