Sunday Mirror (Northern Ireland)

Look ahead with hope, not horror


THE terrorist attack in Manchester this year devastated us all.

Families were torn apart after their loved ones went out to a pop concert and never came back.

The country came to a standstill to mourn the loss of the 22 innocent lives.

Even general election campaignin­g was halted as people took time to reflect on the brutality that had unfolded in Manchester.

But the human cost of such horror reaches far beyond that day. Lives are changed for ever and for some the loss is almost too hard to bear.

Among those who died was Lisa Lees, just 43. Lisa had been excited all day about taking her 16-year-old daughter to the concert.

Her other daughter Lauren was at home when the bomb went off. She raced to a relative’s home to watch the aftermath unfold. After 18 hours of no word, she knew her mum was gone.

It is this type of human story which brings home the true cost of these acts.

Sometimes it can feel that this has been a year of nothing but bitter tragedy – at home and abroad. The Grenfell Tower disaster, terrorism in London, hurricanes, famines and a growing refugee crisis. It feels as if the world has gone through a turbulent, violent 12 months.

And it can sometimes feel like there is nothing but brutality out there.

But Lauren, who lost her mum to an act of such senseless violence, has a different message.

Because just before Christmas she gave birth to baby Dylan. And her little one has given her what she thought she had lost for ever – hope.

Lauren doesn’t feel anything towards the monster who blew up the Manchester Arena.

She doesn’t want to waste energy hating anyone – she hasn’t got time for that. She’s busy raising her children and getting on with her life.

Lauren wants her children to grow up in a peaceful world, starting in 2018. She wants the coming year to be full of positivity and love.

We agree with Lauren. We agree that even out of the darkest hour can come hope.

And we wish you – and your loved ones – a happy and peaceful new year.

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