Sunday Mirror (Northern Ireland)

Premier League chiefs MUST stand up and fight UEFA’s Euros agenda


I DON’T get this outcry to abandon the Premier League season and call it null and void.

What the hell is the rush?

“But you’re putting lives at risk,” I keep hearing people say.

Yet no one is saying play games right now. The only thought is to finish the season WHEN it is safe to do so. That is not a debate.

It’s a fact. The advice will be there from health experts, so follow it.

And even if that is in August or later, do it then. Why? Because a second wave of the coronaviru­s really isn’t an if – it is a when.

That is not being alarmist. Every single expert, every single specialist, even virtually every single government is saying there will be a second wave – and it is a question of how to deal with it.

So, let’s look at how football deals with it. If we void this season, start next season in August, and then a second wave hits in the autumn or winter, what do we do then? Void that season too?

The only reason anyone is even considerin­g cancelling the season now is because UEFA are applying pressure to do so… presumably because they still anticipate their Euros going ahead next summer and they want the way clear for that.

So what happens if the second wave comes next February, like the initial outbreak? To me, it is obvious. There’s no rush, get the league done this year, then play with what you have.

It’s like being a poker player: work with the hand you have, not what you hope you may get in the future.

I know UEFA are powerful and I know this will be controvers­ial, but the fact is that domestic football is more important than national teams.

Without club sides, there would be no national teams.

At the moment, it seems like UEFA are calling the shots because of the Euros. So Premier League chief executive Richard Masters needs to put pressure on them.

How does the English game do that?

Well, if the TV companies say they want to wait, to see leagues finished and they’re happy to wait, it could apply some pressure.

I know the Premier League reiterated on Friday that they want to wait because they see completing the season important for the integrity of the competitio­n – and I agree. Again, no one is saying put lives at risk. That is not even part of the agenda.

And, with economies crashing globally, there will be financial arguments about when it is safe to go back to work, mixed in with the medical.

If the Government pull their funding for furloughs, etc (which, I suspect, they can’t sustain forever), then will people say they’re not going back to work? I honestly believe that, if the Premier League does return, the players will be a far safer than we are as the general public. They will be in a full “biosphere bubble”, as Formula One has deemed it, with typical jargon b ****** t.

What that means is they will be tested every few days, and won’t come into contact with anyone who isn’t also tested every three days. They won’t have to go on public transport, go into supermarke­ts, do all the things that everyone else has to do to put them at risk. And if they do contract the virus, it will be found incredibly early – because, apart from testing, they will have heart checks, oxygen checks, health checks every single day. It doesn’t half protect you when you wear a heart monitor in your daily job and have a team of fitness experts tracking your every heartbeat, your every bead of sweat.

They will be a damn sight safer than anyone. They won’t be at risk like frontline NHS staff, care workers, bus drivers, shop workers and so many others.

Who all get paid a ridiculous­ly low wage to put their lives on the line every single day.

They will only go back to work when it is safe to do so! I am not saying they need to put themselves on the line for the country. I’m saying, with all the resources the Premier League and clubs have to throw at it, safety will be paramount and relatively easy to deliver.

And one thing I know, if the Germans are coming back shortly to play football, then you can bet it is safe to do so there.

So don’t tell me the season has to be null and void. That is a ridiculous argument.

There is a second Covid-19 wave coming, so let’s finish this season and then see what hand we have to play with for next season. When I hear this null-and-void argument put forward, I always think one thing: will the virus respect null and void? Nope. It’s not going to suddenly disappear to allow next season to be played in full and without complicati­on, just because this season has been scrapped.

No one is talking about a second wave in all the opinions wasted on what should and shouldn’t happen.

You can bet, though, that clubs are already factoring that into their financial and operationa­l deliberati­ons for the next 12 to 24 months.

So maybe we should start factoring it in too.

If the Prem comes back, players will be safer than we are as the public

Premier League CEO Richard Masters has to battle to ensure domestic football comes first
MASTERS OF WAR Premier League CEO Richard Masters has to battle to ensure domestic football comes first
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