Sunday Mirror (Northern Ireland)


Anti-Chinese jibe is sent by minister for overseas aid

- EXCLUSIVE BY NIGEL NELSON Political Editor nigel.nelson@sundaymirr­

CABINET minister AnneMarie Trevelyan is accused of stoking racial tension after circulatin­g an antiChines­e jibe to Tory MPs.

The Internatio­nal Developmen­t Secretary, 51 – tasked with delivering £13.4billion in overseas aid – sent it to a WhatsApp group which was discussing concerns that China is exploiting the coronaviru­s pandemic.

A disgusted MP forwarded a screenshot to the Sunday Mirror, saying: “This should cost the minister her job. It’s an appalling example of oldfashion­ed stereotype­s.”

The first British Chinese woman MP, Labour’s Sarah Owen, 37, called it “totally inappropri­ate”, saying such messages fan flames sparked by US President Donald Trump, who accuses China of causing the pandemic.


She said: “If Anne-Marie Trevelyan doesn’t understand why this sort of humour was left in the 1970s, I would be happy to explain it to her.

“In recent weeks we’ve seen East Asians spat at, beaten up, verbally attacked and had their businesses targeted.”

The message shows a split fortune cookie that says: “You not have coronaviru­s.” It is captioned: “Just received my Covid-19 rapid test kit from China. Soooooo relieved!”

She adds “Just for Bob” – Bob Seely, the MP campaignin­g against Chinese tech giant Huawei supplying 5G network kit. He replied with a love heart and smiley face.

Mr Seely said: “It was a well-meaning joke at my expense and I didn’t think anything of it.”

China has sent 22 million pieces of PPE and 1,000 ventilator­s to the NHS.

Ms Trevelyan and No10 refused to comment.

WhatsApp pic was sent to a group of Conservati­ve MPs by Anne Trevelyan
‘INAPPROPRI­ATE’ WhatsApp pic was sent to a group of Conservati­ve MPs by Anne Trevelyan

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