Sunday Mirror (Northern Ireland)

Their letter to leaders


THEIR message could not not be clearer. More than 1,100 head teachers from across Britain have signed this open letter from the National Education Union to Gavin Williamson, urging him to reconsider plans for a wider reopening on June 1 that would see some nursery children and others from reception, Year One and Year Six go back to school. Here’s what they are calling for:

As school leaders, we want nothing more than to welcome all pupils back to class. We want the lockdown to end, for schools to open more widely and as soon as possible.

But, as head teachers, we have a responsibi­lity to our pupils, their families, our staff and the communitie­s we serve to protect their safety.

For us to feel confident that we are meeting those responsibi­lities, Government must:

Be open with its scientific advice, the studies advice is based on, the modelling and its assumption­s.

Share that advice with the public and other scientists who can review the evidence.

Ensure testing and contact tracing is working properly before dates are set for return.

Keep checking that the number of Covid-19 cases is continuing to fall and there is no spike in infection that can be attributed to schools. Ensure social distancing is maintained and that PPE is provided to our staff.

Ensure that those in our community, who are particular­ly vulnerable, are well protected – older people and those with health conditions that put them at greater risk.

Negotiate on safety with us, our staff and the organisati­ons that represent them.

During this pandemic, we have done our absolute best to care for the children we teach. We have kept our schools open to the children of keyworkers and vulnerable families.

We have planned and uploaded online lessons, kept in contact with pupils at home, delivered care packages, food parcels and resources bundles to help disadvanta­ged families through this awful time.

As a profession, we care deeply about our schools but we also have a duty to protect our communitie­s. Please listen, address our concerns and protect their safety before setting any dates for wider reopening of schools.

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