Sunday Mirror (Northern Ireland)

Woody love burns bright

He falls for Nell in incense sesh Hilarious Celebrity Gogglebox star Woody Cook has the hots for a new girlfriend – after they bonded over an incense burning session.


The son of Zoe Ball and Norman Cook is dating psychology student Nell Williams.

And on Friday he took her to the Attitude Magazine’s 101 Awards – where he gave me his first interview about their blossoming relationsh­ip.

The former Circle reality star says: “Nell is my girlfriend. We’ve been together for about nine months and are really happy together.

“We met through mutual mates and had known each other a while before dating.

“We were in my bedroom burning incense and negative energy – and things went from there.”

Woody admits he’s mad about Nell, who is from Bristol but studying in London.

He says: “We are loved up. She takes care of me and we just connect.

“I am a bit of a crazy character, so

I want someone who is as crazy or crazier than me. “I want someone to grab my hand and take me on a crazy adventure rather than ground me. “Nell does that. She makes life exciting.”

Things are on the up generally for Woody, who earlier this year told me he couldn’t afford bread after his parents had cut him off financiall­y. Now, as well as his new girlfriend, he’s got a monthly residency at Brighton’s Coalition club and is this month’s Attitude cover star.

The magazine’s 101 awards, powered by Bentley, was held to honour some of the most inspiratio­nal people from the LGBTQ community on Friday.

Opening up about his sexuality Woody says: “People assume that bisexual means you’re gay and just too afraid to fully come out. That’s not the case at all. “Nowadays people are realising you can be anything. You don’t need a label.”

Well said, Woody.

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 ?? ?? CRAZY Woody and Nell. Zoe and Norman, inset
CRAZY Woody and Nell. Zoe and Norman, inset
 ?? ?? SEPARATED AT MIRTH Alan and Will’s pasta joke
SEPARATED AT MIRTH Alan and Will’s pasta joke

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