Sunday Mirror

Fur set to fly as warring film couple clash on custody of Pistol and Boo

Amber sues Johnny pal for ‘lie’ claim

- BY Showbiz Editor US Editor,

with a group of men. He later appeared to share the bubbly with a mystery blonde, who swigged it straight from the bottle. The insider said of Depp’s fight with 30-year-old Heard: “Johnny adores both those dogs. He wants them to be happy and finds it unbelievab­le she’s suggesting they should be divided.

“Money means nothing when it comes to the animals. He doesn’t want them separated – and he wants them with him.

“They’re treated as their kids – for Johnny this is war. He’s going to stop at AMBER Heard is suing a comedian friend of husband Johnny Depp for claiming she lied about suffering domestic abuse.

Stand-up comic Doug Stanhope called the actress “a liar” in an article about the couple’s split. Claiming to have in-depth knowledge of the marriage, he alleged it was she who was “abusive” and that her claim was a bid to blackmail Depp.

Heard has now filed a defamation lawsuit against Stanhope, 49, and others saying in court papers that the comic “orchestrat­ed a plot to write an article, which falsely accuses plaintiff nothing to have Pistol and Boo with him.” Under California law, divorce judges seek proof of ownership to rule on dogs.

While Heard was given Pistol by ex-girlfriend Tasya Van Rees, it is not known who bought Boo. But pet custody expert Bruce Wagman reckons she has a strong case. He said: “Animals are property.”

The couple got in hot water when they took the dogs to Australia while Depp was filming – and Heard admitted falsifying their papers. She and Depp made a bizarre video apology as part of their punishment. Amber Heard of ‘blackmail’ and other criminal behaviour towards her husband”.

Heard insists Stanhope’s allegation­s are “completely false and defamatory”.

Her legal papers – filed in the same court as her divorce petition – are said to include more detail of alleged abuse, claiming Depp “hit and kicked Heard, has thrown objects at her, and at one point suffocated her to the point where she feared for her life”. Heard’s attorney said she would donate any payout to a domestic violence charity. Depp’s team has vehemently denied her abuse claims.

 ??  ?? LADY ’N A VAMP IN THEIR SIGHTS Pistol, top, and Boo NECKS PLEASE
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? ABUSE CLAIMS Amber Heard
 ??  ?? ATTACK Stanhope
ATTACK Stanhope

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