Sunday Mirror

Tariff change is a key to savings


You pay massively over the odds if you have an energy prepay meter topped up online or by key or card. And it’s a national disgrace. For years we’ve heard bull from energy firms and politician­s about improvemen­ts. Yet many of society’s poorest are still forced on to these tariffs, paying a poverty premium.

Now, while far from ideal, two cheap fixes at least allow many to save a chunk.

Someone with typical usage pays on average £1,140 a year with a big firm. The new cheapest tariff from iSupply is £1,020 for the same usage and the rate is fixed for a year, so the price can’t rise within it.

To lock in a price longer, you can fix with EDF until Oct 2017 at £1,040. With both, you need to top up gas via card and electricit­y via key.

As the price varies depending on where you live and what you use, visit an ofgem. gov. uk approved comparison site to check it’s cheapest. Better still, go via my cheapenerg­yclub. co. uk to do this and EmailSunda­yMirror@ moneysavin­gexpert. com or tweet @martinslew­is with SunMirror switchers also get £30 dualfuel cashback, boosting the typical saving to £150. And if you’re thinking you can’t do this because you rent – you’re wrong. If you pay the energy bill directly, you are allowed to switch tariff – though not the meter type. Even if you’re in energy debt, as long as it is no more than £500, you can switch.

Far bigger savings, literally £100s more, are possible if you are allowed to switch to a billed meter. Full info on that at­ymeter. Even then, though, there are questions... Should I get a British Gas smart meter fitted? Will it cause issues if I want to change suppliers?

QMartin says: British Gas has been rolling smart meters out to many of its customers. These accurately show you what you’re using and automatica­lly send meter readings to your energy supplier, so you don’t have to.

Having one doesn’t prevent you ditching supplier but you can lose the smart meter functional­ity if you do.

I’ve a sneaking suspicion it is one reason why it’s rolling them out faster than other companies – before the technology is compatible with others. So it’s like an extra incentive to keep you from switching from old monopoly supplier British Gas – the UK’s biggest supplier.

But I may just be being cynical.

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SWITCH Lock price in for a year Sharon
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