Sunday Mirror

HUSBAND WITH FIRST WIFE I married a Maasai warrior... and then had his son’s baby


everywhere with me. He was such a massive comfort.”

Then in May last year Lawrence confessed he had fallen for Rebekah as they strolled through the village together.

She says: “He told me he’d always loved me. I was stunned. I’d never thought about him like that.


“But before long, we were kissing. We found ourselves in his bedroom having sex. We were so caught up in the moment. It was incredible.”

Rebekah came back to the UK a few weeks later but kept in touch with Lawrence via phone before returning to Kenya in August. “We didn’t tell anyone we were together,” she said. “We knew the tribe would be shocked. Lawrence told me he wanted a family and I got swept along and agreed to start trying for a baby. A few weeks late, I had a positive test. Lawrence was jumping up and down. He said he couldn’t wait to be a dad.”

But sadly, it wasn’t the happy ending Rebekah craved. Lawrence started begging her for money after she returned to the UK for the birth.

“Now I have Kito I can’t afford to fork out hundreds to him,” she says. “People say he’s using me but I think he simply doesn’t have a clue about adult life.”

Despite surviving on benefits, she estimates she gave him around £600 in just a few months. She says: “I began to wonder if I’d feel like I had two children instead of one when the baby arrived. I told him we couldn’t be together. He was really upset.” Kito was delivered by C-section last week.

Rebekah’s sister Gemma, 31, acted as her birthing partner. Lawrence says he is now saving for flights to see his son – but Rebekah isn’t holding her breath.

“Kito is perfect,” she says. “He is my world, especially after losing Arya. I do want Lawrence to meet him, but I wonder how long it will take.” Despite it all, Rebekah says she wants to go back to Kenya and maybe even find love again. “I haven’t had the best experience with Maasai men but I could never rule out dating another,” she says. “I’d love Kito to grow up in Kenya. Only time will tell what the future holds.” Lawrence was not available for comment.

 ??  ?? With Rempesa, and below, after theatre meeting Lawrence was an ‘incredible’ lover, says Rebekah
With Rempesa, and below, after theatre meeting Lawrence was an ‘incredible’ lover, says Rebekah
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